Cursillo Movement of the DIocese of Venice Florida
Diocese of Venice Cursillo Lay Director - Joe Pescatrice

Secretariat - Spiritual Director - Rev. Michael A. Scheip

Secretariat - Pre Cursillo (Sponsor Coordinator) - Jim Wood
   2828 Jackson Street (Unit D7)
   Fort Myers, FL  33901
   (239) 849-0231

Secretariat - 3 Day / Weekend - Donna Frys

Secretariat - Post Cursillo (4th Day) - Marianne Beardslee & Brian Beardslee

Secretariat - School of Leaders - Mike DeCicco

Secretariat - Communications - Alice Hofer

Secretariat - Secretary - Rosemary Shugar

Secretariat - Treasurer - John Meyer
6686 Kestrel Circle
                                            Fort Myers, FL  33966

Secretariat - Palanca - Fran Petrow

Area Cursillo Representatives:

Sarasota County:
Weulcia Wilkins
Irene Bauer
Carol Valvo

Charlotte County: Pat Tyler

Lee County:
Donna Frys (Cape Coral area)
John Meyer & Esperanza Liszewski (Fort Myers area)

Collier County:
Gene Venditto
Loretta Judy
Fran Petrow

Diocese of Venice Ultreya Information
Ultreya Leader Coordinator - Irene Bauer
Venice Ultreya -
Epiphany Cathedral
First Tuesdays from 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm in the Esteban Soy Building (109)
Ultreya Leader Venice - Weulcia  Wilkins
Punta Gorda Ultreya -
Sacred Heart Church
First Mondays 7:00 pm in the Parish Center
Ultreya Leader Punta Gorda -
Cape Coral Ultreya -
St. Katharine Drexel Church
4th Fridays from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm (Stations of the Cross at 7:00 pm in the Church)
Ultreya Leader Cape Coral - Saint Katharine Drexel - Donna Frys
Fort Myers Ultreya -
St. Cecilia Church
3rd Tuesday
Ultreya Leader Fort Myers - Saint Cecilia - John Meyer
Naples Ultreya -
St. John the Evangelist
3rd Tuesday 7:30 pm at St. William’s Ministry Center, Seagate Drive.
Ultreya Leader Naples - Saint John the Evangelist - Loretta Judy
Diocese of Venice Cursillo en Espanol -

Rev. Sofonias Ortez, Spiritual Co-Director

Mr. Jose R. Gautier, Lay Director  (863) 465-5295

Centro Nacional de Cursillo
National Cursillo Website

Southeastern Regional - Region 7 Cursillo Website